FAQs Pizza Ovens
What is a traditional pizza oven?
Wood-fired pizza ovens are as old as time. Be patient if you have never used one before. Traditional ovens are made of dense materials and will take at least one hour to be ready.
Start your fire gradually. The hottest place will be where you built your fire. Use smaller wood sticks if you are experiencing difficulties. Spread the ashes to help heat the oven floor faster.
Direct heat: Keep the door open. Move the fire to the left- or right-hand side of your oven. Indirect heat: Close the door. Use the radiant heat stored in your oven to cook food.
* If you are using a gas burner as your heat source the door will always remain open.
Check the temperature with an infrared thermometer or check the color inside the dome. If the dome is completely white - your oven "pizza" ready. Remember to have fun and be patient.
What is direct and indirect heat?
Your oven uses three kinds of heat: Radiant heat, convention heat and conductive heat. Pizza will cook with direct heat. Breads and some vegetables will cook will indirect heat (heat stored in the oven) The mouth of your oven will always be cooler.
* If you are using a gas burner as your heat source the door will always remain open.
What is the curing process?
Your new oven requires a curing process before you use it for the first time. The curing process is necessary to eliminate moisture that is present in your oven.
Respecting the curing process is essential for the optimization of your oven. Patience is key! Use an electric heater for 2-5 days at the mouth of the oven. Keep the door open.
After 2 days start a small fire (or use low on your gas burner) and gently increase the temperature over a minimum period of 8 days.
300 F (3 days 3 - 6 hours)
Day 4 350 F
Day 5 400 F
Day 6 450 F
Day 7 500 F
What are the best woods?
Burn wood with moisture content of no more than 20%. Use only hard, seasoned and split wood that has dried for at least one year. Store and protect your wood from water and humidity. Remember never use treated wood for cooking.
What is the best way to protect the oven?
Water will damage your oven (rain/snow/dampness). Always choose a covered area for your oven. We also suggest covering your oven when not in use.
Why do I need to insulate the dome?
It is very important to retain the thermal heat stored in your oven. Remember to use protective gear when you are covering the oven with a ceramic blanket.
What is the best stand for the oven?
The oven must rest on a rigid, levelled and load bearing base. We suggest 40" height.
How do I check the temperature of the oven?
We suggest using a laser thermometer for a more accurate reading.
How to cook a pizza in with an Avanzini Gas Burner?
Avanzini gas burners are environmentally friendly. Our customers confirm the taste is the same. They are thrilled that they add some wood to increase the natural flavors of their pizzas while cooking their pizzas evenly. On average it will take about an hour to preheat your oven. Heat is distributed heat evenly without the need for a fan.
What is the ideal temperature to cook pizza?
We suggest 650F. Higher temperatures may compromise the crust.
Do I need a Dome Ovens® pizza oven to go hybrid?
No! Avanzini gas burners can be adapted to most pizza ovens.
Are hybrid (gas and wood) pizza ovens better for the environment?
Wood burns more CO2 than gas which has a direct impact on the environment. Gas pizza ovens are also more cost effective from about 15% - 40%
Are Drago (Residential or Commercial) difficult to use and install?
Not at all! You will need to have the product professionally installed. However, installation is generally fast. The Avanzini gas burners have user-friendly control panels to accommodate your needs. The Drago P Series are all manual with three heat settings (no electricity required) The Drago D Series are all automatic and will manage the baking temperature set point automatically.
Are gas/ wood ovens better than electrical?
Yes! An electric oven will not be able to reach the high temperatures of a traditional pizza oven.